This page describes the logs generated for actions such as adding/removing users or other bulk actions.
For an overview of items included in the audit logs, such as level, module, and result, refer to the following page:
Viewing Audit Logs
This section describes the audit logs whose level is "Notice".
User Administration
Audit logs whose module is "User Administration" are shown below.
add users (API %s)
Actions Taken
Added user using API.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
assign administrators
Actions Taken
- Changed the settings for Kintone Users & System Administrators.
- Changed the members of the "Administrator" group.
Contents of "Complement"
- Group name and ID
- Display names and IDs of the members who belong to the "Administrator" group
delete users (API %s)
Actions Taken
Deleted user using API.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
export user
Actions Taken
Exported user information to a file.
export user (API %s)
Actions Taken
Retrieved user information using API.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
export user group
Actions Taken
Exported groups to which users belong to a file.
export user group (API %s/csv)
Actions Taken
Retrieved static groups to which users belong using API.
export user organization
Actions Taken
Exported departments to which users belong to a file.
export user organization (API %s)
Actions Taken
Retrieved departments to which users belong using API.
import user organization (API %s/csv)
Actions Taken
Updated departments to which users belong using API.
import user organization (API %s/json)
Actions Taken
Updated departments to which users belong using API.
Contents of "Complement"
List of display name and ID of users.
send user account mail
Actions Taken
- Added a user and sent an email that contains information such as login name.
- Changed the user's password and sent an email that contains a new password.
Contents of "Complement"
- Recipient email address
- Display name and ID of the user
update users (API %s)
Actions Taken
- Changed login name using API.
- Updated user information using API.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
update user group (API %s/json)
Actions Taken
Updated user information using API.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
User Information
Audit logs whose module is "User Information" are shown below.
get user (API %s)
Actions Taken
Retrieved user information using API.
Contents of "Complement"
List of display name and ID of users.
get user groups (API %s/json)
Actions Taken
Retrieved static groups to which users belong using API.
get user organizations (API %s)
Actions Taken
Retrieved departments to which users belong using API.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
This section describes the audit logs whose level is "Information".
User Administration
Audit logs whose module is "User Administration" are shown below.
add user
Actions Taken
Added user.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
delete user
Actions Taken
Deleted users.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
import user
Actions Taken
Updated user information using a file.
import user (API %s)
Actions Taken
Updated user information using API.
import user group
Actions Taken
Updated static groups to which users belong using a file.
import user group (API %s/csv)
Actions Taken
Updated static groups to which users belong using API.
import user organization
Actions Taken
Updated departments to which users belong using a file.
update user
Actions Taken
Updated user information.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID
update user password
Actions Taken
Updated user's password.
Contents of "Complement"
- Display name of users
- User ID